The Timeline
The Timeline
Use our Course Planner as a guide for timing for setting up your sales process and campaigns
- click file>'make a copy' (if you haven't already)
This is just an approximation but you can move at the pace that works best for you.
Week 1 - 4
- Development of Methodology
- Set up domain(s), Apollo, and Sales Navigator
- Post VA hiring ad / invite applicants
- Assign VA test assignments
- Launch first email campaign
- Follow up messages
- Campaign optimization
- Assess campaign performance
- VA handling data scraping and campaign set up
- Launch second (or more) campaign(s)
- Appointments, relationship building, qualification
- Start booking appointments
- Get 5+ appointments per week avg.
- Optimize qualification process
- Re-engagement
- Re-engage prospects connected with 30-90 days prior
Week 21 and beyond (could happen sooner)
- Dealflow
- Proposals, negotiations, closed deals