The Biggest Roadblock

The Biggest Road Block

What are your goals with this training?

  • Most people are looking to grow or expand.
  • Some are looking to get acquired in the next few years.
  • Some want the opportunity to carefully select which clients they want to work with.

To achieve your goals you need a new, consistent, repeatable process and system that’ll bring in prospects at the top of your funnel.

In the past, companies typically experienced early success on referral and strength of personal network, but it’s not enough.

The biggest barrier to achieving these goals is that many people operate in reactive mode.

  • Reactive sales and new business habits
  • Sales are ‘feast and famine’ - inconsistent sales
  • Over investing in ‘solutions’ that may or may not work vs. talking to people in your market to learn what works best

There are a few core tactics to help achieve your goals:

  • Farming business - focused only are current clients and waiting on the phone to ring
  • Inbound marketing - this is great and a must, but it’s still out of your control and takes time to ramp up
  • Outbound - People tend to only want people in the late stage (ready to buy) of the sales cycle, which only is about 5% of your market. This is typically Google ads or referrals, but the rest of your market will still talk to you if you go after them in the right way.

Doing outbound the right way is what we will focus on in this course. The sales cycle might be longer but you can decide who you want to go after. 

When done the right way will allow you to connect with prospects early in the journey and will allow you to scale your sales to the actual size of your market.

  • Connecting with prospects early on helps you build trust from the beginning of the buyer’s journey vs. competing for their attention once they are ready.
    • Waiting until they are ready places you into a ‘commodity trap’ to be compared against your competitors. 

Once you ramp up to one meeting per day and build a process that is repeatable, you will begin to see the transformation in your company.

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