The Timeline

The Timeline

Use our Course Planner as a guide for timing for setting up your sales process and campaigns

  • click file>'make a copy' (if you haven't already)

This is just an approximation but you can move at the pace that works best for you.

Week 1 - 4

  1. Development of Methodology
    1. Set up domain(s), Apollo, and Sales Navigator
    2. Post VA hiring ad / invite applicants
    3. Assign VA test assignments
    4. Launch first email campaign
    5. Follow up messages

Week 4 and beyond

  1. Campaign optimization
    1. Assess campaign performance
    2. VA handling data scraping and campaign set up
    3. Launch second (or more) campaign(s)
  2. Appointments, relationship building, qualification
    1. Start booking appointments
    2. Get 5+ appointments per week avg.
    3. Optimize qualification process

Week 8 and beyond

  1. Re-engagement
    1. Re-engage prospects connected with 30-90 days prior

Week 21 and beyond (could happen sooner)

  1. Dealflow
    1. Proposals, negotiations, closed deals

Complete and Continue